CREATIvE campaign concepts for MOO
Brief: Create an engaging CRM email with a surprise twist.
The email will excite and motivate the consumers to click to the website for the newest products and offers.
CREATIvE campaign concepts for MOO
Brief: Create an engaging CRM email with a surprise twist.
The email will excite and motivate the consumers to click to the website for the newest products and offers.
CREATIvE campaign concepts for MOO
Brief: Create an engaging CRM email with a surprise twist.
The email will excite and motivate the consumers to click to the website for the newest products and offers.
Boards created for a creative brief and pitch for BMW.
The brief was to introduce the new X5-range vehicle in a new and engaging way, inside and out.
The idea is to convert the cars into artworks by creating an event space, where the visitors engage with the vehicle by touch and light art. Interactive solutions and exciting new technology is used to execute the experience.